For refugee and immigration lawyers
This page includes information and links for refugee lawyers.
LAO’s refugee roster standards
All lawyers who represent legal aid clients must belong to the roster(s) for the type(s) of law they practice. Roster standards help ensure that legal aid clients receive high‑quality services.
Learn more about the refugee roster.
Practice directions
LAO’s practice directions clarify practices and establish expectations for certain aspects of LAO‑funded refugee and immigration services.
Basis of Claim
LAO requires roster members to submit completed (signed and dated) Basis of Claim (BOC) forms and narratives to LAO within 30 days of completing the BOC. This requirement applies to all BOC certificates, whether an RPD hearing authorization is or will be requested. Learn more.
Refugee Protection Division hearings
Basis of Claim certificates can be amended to include coverage for RPD hearings. Learn more.
Refugee Appeal Division and Federal Court judicial reviews
Only members of LAO’s refugee and immigration appellate panel can acknowledge Refugee Appeal Division (RAD) and judicial review certificates and represent LAO clients at the RAD and Federal Court.
- Learn about coverage for RAD appeals.
- Learn about judicial review merit assessment opinion certificates.
Certificate eligibility for H&C applications, stay motions, or deferrals
Clients can make a Humanitarian and Compassionate (H&C) application, stay motion, or a request to defer removal from Canada.
Immigration Detention Representation Program
LAO invites lawyers on the general immigration and refugee law roster to participate in the Immigration Detention Representation Program (IDRP).
Ongoing consultations
LAO consults regularly with its key stakeholders, including:
- Quarterly meetings with the Refugee Lawyers Association
- Bi-annual meetings with LAO Board’s Immigration and Refugee Law Advisory Committee.
- Quarterly meetings with the LAO/Immigration and Refugee Board/Department of Justice /Canada Border Services Agency/Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada committee.
We also consult directly with the refugee bar. Go to our consultation page.
Resources for refugee panel lawyers
- Refugee lawyer practice manual
- Refugee case law toolkit: A starting place for practitioners
- Training modules and materials for LAO panel members. Log in to LAO LAW, select Learning Opportunities from the main menu.
Help for clients
A refugee claimant or immigrant legal aid applicant without a lawyer can choose one of three service providers, based on their needs and location.
- Private bar lawyer (use LAO’s Find‑a‑lawyer tool)
- LAO staff office
- A community legal aid clinic
Clients can contact Legal Aid Ontario for more information.
Call us at 1‑800‑668‑8258 (toll‑free), Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., or visit the refugee and immigration law and services for refugee claimants section of this website.