
Legal Aid Ontario folding business card
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Finding the right legal aid lawyer
Learn how to find this important professional, what he or she can do for your case, and how to make the most of your relationship.
3 fold brochure (8.5 x 11″ / colour)
This brochure is also available in:

Custody and access issues for immigrants and people at risk of deportation
This brochure provides important information for refugee claimants who are parents and separated from their partners.
15 page booklet (8.5 x 14″ / colour)
This brochure is also available in:
Social media
Help us teach people about legal aid by sharing promotional resources online! You can download infographics, posters, and social media cards for our various initiatives.
About LAO
Online applications
- New! Online self-service 24/7
Handout (PDF) - Need legal help?
Poster (PDF) - Social media card: how to apply online
Facebook | Twitter - Social media card: how to apply (general)
Facebook | Twitter - Social media card: apply on the client portal
Fact sheets
These fact sheets are straightforward summaries of Legal Aid Ontario (LAO)’s programs and activities. They are useful for fact checking, or as reference materials.
All information sheets mentioned on this page are available online only.
About Legal Aid Ontario
- Legal Aid Ontario can help
- Need legal help but can’t afford it? We provide legal services for financially eligible, low-income Ontarians in the following areas: domestic violence, family law, immigration and refugee law, criminal law, civil mental health law and poverty law.
Services for clients
- Duty counsel services
- Legal Aid Ontario’s (LAO) duty counsel are lawyers at courthouses who can step in to help people who need immediate legal support.
- Legal aid help if you are experiencing domestic violence
- Has children’s aid contacted you?
- An overview of what Legal Aid Ontario can do for you if children’s aid has either taken your child into care or you are dealing with a child protection agency outside of the court process.
- Can Legal Aid Ontario help me deal with a child protection agency outside of court?
- Finding the right legal aid lawyer
- Learn how to find this important professional, what he or she can do for your case, and how to make the most of your relationship.
- Mediation
- Family mediation is a voluntary process where a mediator helps disputing parents come up with workable solutions that focus on the best interests of their children. The mediator supports each person so that his or her perspective is considered.
- School disciplinary hearings
- Throughout Legal Aid Ontario’s Racialized Communities Strategy’s early engagement sessions with various stakeholders, the issue of discrimination and school disciplinary hearings has been consistently raised.
- Young persons’ diversion hotline
- If you’re 17 and under and have been arrested for a non-violent crime, you and your parents may want to call the hotline at 1‑855‑953‑1427 as soon as possible.