In brief: News for lawyers

Showing 101 - 110 of 144 results

Submit your account for emergency in‑court legal aid services by June 30, 2020

Published June 16, 2020

Thank you once again to criminal bar lawyers who provided emergency in-court legal aid services to unrepresented clients between March 16 and 20, 2020. We remain grateful for your contribution to LAO’s response to the COVID‑19 pandemic. Please be advised that June 30, 2020 is the deadline for submitting accounts for work completed during this period. Submit…

Legal Aid Online unavailable June 27 2020 for routine maintenance

Published June 12, 2020

Legal Aid Online will be unavailable from 6 AM ET June 27 while we archive and remove completed certificates. This is routine maintenance called a purchase order close, and applies to concluded appeals and all cancelled, final billed or terminated certificates completed prior to June 1, 2014. Certificates that will not be closed include: BCU cases PCU cases…

2019 panel lawyer self-report deadline extended again

Published May 25, 2020

While we encourage you to file your self-report as soon as you are able, we recognize that you may still be having difficulty getting the information you need to complete it due to COVID‑19. As a result, we’ve again extended the filing deadline to a yet to be determined date subject to a return to…

COVID-19: Ongoing list of supports for lawyers

Published April 3, 2020

As part of the ongoing response to the COVID-19 pandemic, LAO is working to offer more business support and information to service providers. Please bookmark this page and check back often to see what additional supports have been created to help you. Billings and payments Billing deadlines are extended for accounts due between March 16, 2020…

2019 panel lawyer self-report deadline extended to May 31, 2020

Published April 3, 2020

We recognize that you may be having difficulty getting the information you need to complete your 2019 lawyer self‑report due to the current situation with respect to COVID‑19. As a result, we have extended the deadline for you to file report to May 31, 2020. If you have questions or require further assistance, please email

Coverage for temporary absence permit (TAP) requests expanded to include other release remedies at federal and provincial levels

Published March 31, 2020

As part of LAO’s continuing response to COVID-19, lawyers may apply for legal aid coverage on behalf of in-custody clients requesting temporary absence permits and other release remedies available at the federal and provincial levels. A new application form is available on our website. This coverage, first announced March 31, has been expanded to include…

Showing 101 - 110 of 144 results