Community legal clinic performance measures closed
In July 2016, Legal Aid Ontario updated the clinic performance measures examples and charts document to provide more definitions and descriptions for the performance measures.
Performance measures examples of charts and reports, updated July 2016
In October 2015, Legal Aid Ontario released the following documents:
Refined performance measures examples of charts and reports
(updated October 2015)
In February 2015, Legal Aid Ontario (LAO) released the following key documents highlighting the approved performance measures:
Approved clinic performance measures
(includes examples of charts and reports)
Quality indicators for non-case activity (as recommended by ACLCO)
Case and initiative indicators for complexity, scope of impact and results achieved
Notice: Clinic performance measures
Notice sent out in Feb. 2015 regarding the results of the consultation
Questions and answers In 2013, LAO developed a first round of materials to provide details for consultations on proposed performance measures for clinics:
Released in September 2013: Amended Clinic Performance Measures consultation
Released in July 2013: Clinic Performance Measures consultation
Released in March 2013: Consultation Paper on Clinic Performance Measures
From July to Sept. 2014, LAO held teleconferences with clinics to share amended measures developed on the basis of feedback received during the first consultations, provide a status report, and describe the final product that LAO planned to propose to LAO’s board.
In January 2015, LAO sent a notice to all clinics to tell them the consultation results.
Consultation Date
Starts: March 1, 2013 at 12:00am
Ends: July 22, 2016 at 12:00am
Contact Details
Performance Measures example of charts and reports
Click here to download image. Once the Clinic Information Management System (CIMS) has been implemented, clinics will be required to submit quarterly reports on their performance measures. Reporting of specified measures is mandatory for all clinics. Table of contents Purpose of performance measures Performance measures generated by CIMS Performance measures to be reports outside of…