What help is available for parole hearings?
We will provide you with a legal aid certificate if you meet:
- All the following factors:
- Your parole hearing will take place at least six months after the day you apply
- If you serve a life sentence or have a dangerous offender designation or long-term supervision order, you can apply up to a year before the hearing date
- You must have completed two third of your sentence
- Your parole hearing date has been set on or around day or full parole eligibility date
- You have completed all or most of the recommended programs
- You have the support of your parole officer
- Are there any other favourable or unfavourable factors (i.e., result of the community assessments)?
- If parole hearing is for day parole, has the halfway house been contacted and do you have placement?
- At least two of the following criteria:
- You have taken some or all of the recommended treatment or course programs made available
- You have the support of your parole officer
- You have support from family and friends
If you do not meet the factors listed above, your lawyer or duty counsel can submit an opinion letter indicating that you are eligible for parole and your case has merit. If you do not qualify for full representation because merit cannot be established, you may be eligible for a certificate to help you prepare for the parole hearing.