Risk level determination and risk management for community legal clinics and student legal services organizations closed
LASA, 2020 consultation: Proposed Policy or Rule
Legal Aid Ontario is consulting about the proposed policy: Risk Level Determination and Risk Management for Community Legal Clinics and Student Legal Services Organizations.
Consultation materials
We encourage you to review the consultation materials prior to providing a written submission. Materials include:
Consultation outline
Overview of our proposed policy for determining the risk level and managing risk management for community legal clinics and student legal services organizations.
Risk Level Determination and Risk Management for Community Legal Clinics and Student Legal Services Organizations
Draft Policy
A draft of the policy regarding determining the risk level and managing risk management for community legal clinics and student legal services organizations.
Purpose of consultation
We are looking for feedback from our justice partners to help us establish a policy for determining the risk level and managing risk management for community legal clinics and student legal services organizations under the Legal Aid Services Rules. The proposed policy is part of LAO’s risk-based, proportional approach to the oversight of transfer payments and entity service providers.
It is important that our work is informed by meaningful consultation and dialogue. We hope to consult with as many people as possible and gain the benefit of a broad range of perspectives.
Consultation dates
Start: Sept. 14, 2022
End: Oct. 26, 2022
How to participate in the consultations
If you are interested in participating in the consultation, you may provide a written submission.
Written submissions
You can review the consultation materials and submit your written responses to consultation@lao.on.ca. When submitting your responses, please include the subject line: “Written submission – risk level determination policy.”
Virtual town hall meetings
Meetings will be in the same format. Please note that there is a different link for each town hall.
Town hall 1
Date / Time
Thursday, Sept. 22
1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Eastern Time (U.S. and Canada)Meeting details
Join Zoom Meeting
https://ca01web.zoom.us/j/69964523011?pwd=eDVHQ3BNcGZ6Z0RzTkpzL0VTQUtGZz09Meeting ID: 699 6452 3011
Passcode: 198631One tap mobile
+17789072071,,69964523011#,,,,*198631# Canada
+12042727920,,69964523011#,,,,*198631# Canada -
Town hall 2
Date / Time
Monday Sept. 26
5 p.m. to 6 p.m. Easter Time (U.S. and Canada)Meeting details
Join Zoom Meeting
https://ca01web.zoom.us/j/67567834826?pwd=ZmRTc1lvRS82dFZBa2xpZmtLaldJZz09Meeting ID: 675 6783 4826
Passcode: 618523One tap mobile
+16475580588,,67567834826#,,,,*618523# Canada
+17789072071,,67567834826#,,,,*618523# Canada
Town hall available upon request
Outcome of consultation
For information on the results of this consultation, visit:
- Outcome of consultation: Risk level determination policy
- Public Consultation Feedback Summary for the Risk Level Determination Policy
Join our consultation registry
We are committed to engaging in public consultations to better understand the needs of our clients and enhance service delivery. We value inclusiveness and encourage anyone interested in providing feedback to join our consultation registry to be notified about upcoming consultations. To learn more, visit our website.
Consultation Date
Starts: September 14, 2022 at 12:00am
Ends: October 26, 2022 at 12:00am