Conditional discharge
A conditional discharge is similar to an absolute discharge because a finding of guilt is made, but no conviction is registered. What makes it different from an absolute discharge is that there are conditions that the offender must follow. The conditions always come in a probation order.
If you receive a conditional discharge:
- On or after July 24, 1992: The conditional discharge stays on your criminal record for three years after the date you are sentenced. After these three years, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police will seal your conditional discharge record.
- Before July 24, 1992: You can send a written request to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police to have your conditional discharge record sealed.
If a conditional discharge received before July 24, 1992, still appears on your record, you may request to have your record sealed for free. To do so, print and complete the Requesting to Seal Absolute and/or Conditional Discharge form and send it to:
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Legislative Conformity
Box 8885
Ottawa, Ontario
K1G 3M8
Your request must contain the following information:
- Your full name (including your maiden name or any aliases)
- Your date of birth
- A complete return mailing address
- Your phone number (include the area code)
- Relevant details about your offence(s), including:
- charges laid
- sentence received
- date of sentence (also known as the date of disposition).