LAO Lawyer Satisfaction Survey 2018 results
Published: March 16, 2019
Published: March 2019
1. Background & methodology
The Lawyer Satisfaction Survey is an annual survey administered by LAO to seek opinions and feedback from private bar lawyers about their experience with LAO.
LAO uses this information to measure overall lawyer satisfaction with different areas of service and identify areas for improvement.
- Target population: lawyers who have done certificate or duty counsel work on behalf of LAO in the last 12 months—approximately 3,800 individuals in 2018.
- Survey period: October 17–November 7, 2018
- Survey mode: online
- Total responses: 705
- Response rate: 19%
- Non-response was accounted for by weighting
- Margin of error from non-response is ±3.2% at the 95% confidence level
2. Summary of findings
Rated most positively:
- Staff services
- Online services
- Pride in doing legal aid work
Rated least positively:
- Billing and payment (billing process, fairness)
- Training (policies and procedures)
- Recognition by LAO
In 2018, the percentage of lawyers with an overall positive opinion of LAO dropped slightly. Satisfaction in other areas remains stable.
3. Overall satisfaction with LAO
“Overall, I was satisfied with my relationship with LAO.”
Overall satisfaction is statistically the same as 2017. About 52% of lawyers have a positive opinion of LAO, while overall satisfaction has dropped in the past four years.
4. Pride in legal aid work
“Overall, I felt proud to do legal aid work.”
75% of lawyers are proud to do legal aid work and to help low‑income Ontarians access justice, slightly higher than in 2017.
5. Satisfaction with LAO’s staff services
“Overall, I was satisfied with the quality of (staff) service.”
68%, the proportion of lawyers who express a positive view of LAO’s staff, is the same as 2017.
81% of lawyers have a positive opinion of “staff courtesy” and 75% of “staff knowledge”.
6. Satisfaction with LAO’s online services
“Overall, I was satisfied with the quality of (online) service.”
The proportion of lawyers who have a positive view of LAO’s online services is about the same compared to last three years.
About 53% have a positive view of accessibility of online services, while 51% think LAO’s online services are easy to navigate.
7. Satisfaction with LAO’s billing process
32% of lawyers express a positive view of the billing process and speed of payments. 27% say they are “fair”.
The percentage of lawyers who view billing and payment processes positively is lower than other services, but stable since last year. In an effort to address this, in February 2019, LAO shortened payment terms for eligible accounts from 21 to 14 days, benefitting about 120,000 accounts per year.
8. Future legal aid work
“Compared to the amount of work you did in the past 12 months, how much work do you intend to do on behalf of LAO in the next 12 months?”
Almost 8 out of 10 of lawyers would like to either do the same amount of legal work, or more, than over the last 12 months.
9. Recognition for work well done
“Overall, I received meaningful recognition for work well done.”
38% of lawyers think that they receive some form of recognition for work well done, while 40% do not.
About 22% are neutral.