Young persons’ diversion hotline
Published May 2, 2019
If you’re 17 and under and have been arrested for a non-violent crime, you and your parents may want to call the hotline at 1-855-953-1427 as soon as possible.
Showing 1 - 10 of 20 results
Published May 2, 2019
If you’re 17 and under and have been arrested for a non-violent crime, you and your parents may want to call the hotline at 1-855-953-1427 as soon as possible.
Published May 1, 2019
LAO has committed to developing a multi-year, multi-faceted, province-wide racialized communities strategy that will build upon the services and supports that LAO already has in place.
Published May 1, 2019
Legal Aid Ontario (LAO) sets budgets for criminal cases expected to cost more than $20,000. In these cases, LAO establishes individual budgets instead of using its hourly rate and number of hours available to pay lawyers. LAO works with the lawyer to tailor a budget that meets the requirements that meet the case to help…
Published May 1, 2019
LAO provides appropriate legal representation to people who self-identify as Aboriginal. We train our staff lawyers to help them understand the legal issues that impact Aboriginal people in the Canadian justice system. In addition, we require lawyers who represent Aboriginal clients in criminal matters to take additional special training to ensure they understand the unique…
Published May 1, 2019
In 2007, LAO began developing an Aboriginal Justice Strategy to help meet the needs of First Nations communities across Ontario. From 2008-2013, this Strategy achieved measurable improvements in services to Aboriginal people and has been extended through 2018 to expand services and increase response to local needs.
Published May 1, 2019
Published May 1, 2019
Throughout Legal Aid Ontario’s Racialized Communities Strategy’s early engagement sessions with various stakeholders, the issue of discrimination and school disciplinary hearings has been consistently raised.
Published February 26, 2019
Legal Aid Ontario (LAO) can help if you’re separated and seeking child support or experiencing domestic abuse or trying to get custody or access to your children. We have a growing number of family law service centres across the province that can help with a number of family matters. For more information please see
Published January 11, 2019
Need legal help but can’t afford it? We provide legal services for financially eligible, low-income Ontarians in the following areas: domestic abuse, family law, immigration and refugee law, criminal law, civil mental health law and poverty law.
Published April 5, 2018
As part of Legal Aid Ontario’s (LAO) continued commitment to low-income Aboriginal individuals and disadvantaged communities, we have made services to Aboriginal clients a priority. We ask you as First Nation people, Métis people and Inuit people to self-identify your Aboriginal ancestry. 3 fold brochure (8.5 x 11″ / colour)
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