Technology and access to justice in the spotlight at Wired Justice conference
Published: September 2, 2016
This Sept. 8-9, Legal Aid Ontario (LAO), Legal Services Society of BC and Osgoode Hall Law School are co-hosting Wired Justice, the first technology and access to justice (A2J) conference focused on legal aid. The web conference will feature legal experts digging into key topics at the intersection of technology and access to justice.
“The digital landscape offers unprecedented opportunities for delivering legal services and information,” says John McCamus, LAO’s Chair. “We’re proud to jointly lead this discussion, and to bring the wealth of experience of our speakers together.”
Roger Smith, leading law and technology researcher, and Ryerson Legal Innovation Zone Executive Director and former Ontario Attorney General Chris Bentley are Wired Justice’s keynote speakers. Other speakers include:
- ROSS intelligence‘s co-founder and CEO, Andrew Arruda
- Monica Goyal, founder of legal software company Aluvion Law and adjunct professor at York University, teaching Legal Information Technology
- Modria‘s co-founder and COO, Colin Rule
- Maurits Barendrecht, research director at The Hague Institute for the Internationalization of Law (HiiL)
- Trevor Farrow, academic director at Winkler Institute for Dispute Resolution
- Jessica Frank, program coordinator at the Center for Access to Justice and Technology at IIT Chicago-Kent
- John P. Mayer, executive director of the Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction
- Christopher Alfano, automated document producer from Illinois Legal Aid
- Mark Benton, executive director, and Sherry MacLennan, director, public legal information and applications, the Legal Services Society of BC
- The Legal Services Corporation‘s David Bonebrake
More details about sessions and speakers, as well as instructions for accessing the livestream are available on the Wired Justice conference website.
Feroneh Neil
Manager, Communications
Legal Aid Ontario
Tel.: (416) 979-2352 ext. 5103