Ottawa Integrated Legal Services Office (ILSO)
Ottawa Integrated Legal Services Office (ILSO)
275 Slater Street, Suite 1101
Ottawa, ON K1P 5H9
Phone: 613-569-7448
Service is available: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
About the office
Legal Aid Ontario’s Integrated Legal Services Office (ILSO) offers eligible low-income people in the Ottawa region one access point to a wide range of legal aid services. ILSO provides services, resources and support in the following areas:
ILSO also provides the following services upon referral from a community legal clinic:
Family law services
ILSO provides resources and support for family matters, including:
- custody, access, support, property
- child protection
- independent legal advice on mediations
- assistance with documents, advice and in some circumstances, full representation in family law cases by a staff lawyer
- Advice on mediation as an alternative to the court process referrals to other social service agencies.
General summary legal advice
Do you have a question about a consumer protection matter? Do you have questions about your tenancy? Do you need an affidavit sworn? You may qualify for our general advice clinic. Hours are Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM., first come, first served.
Immigration and refugee law services
ILSO represent clients with all the types of refugee and immigration matters which Legal Aid Ontario covers through its certificate program:
- refugee claims at the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB)
- appeals to the IRB (refused refugee claims, removal orders and sponsorship appeals)
- judicial reviews and stay motions before the Federal Court
- detention reviews for clients held on immigration matters at the Ottawa Detention Centre
- humanitarian and compassionate claims
- pre-removal risk assessments
- requests to stop removal
- danger opinions.
Services are offered in English and French. ILSO also arranges for interpreters and the translation of documents, when needed, to represent clients outside of Canada.
Staff lawyers can also provide summary advice regarding any type of immigration or refugee matter on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons between 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. (by appointment).
Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) claims
Clients who are referred to ILSO by a community legal clinic in Ottawa can receive legal assistance for the following:
- Appeals of reduction or refusal of ODSP benefits
- Suspension or termination of ODSP benefits
- Assistance with document preparation, negotiations and representation before the Social Benefits Tribunal.
Landlord-tenant issues
ILSO also offers services, such as representation for a housing issue, information and legal advice to clients who are facing eviction and who are referred by a community legal clinic in Ottawa.
Services include:
- providing advice about your legal rights and obligations
- advising clients about the rental tribunal process,
- reviewing documents and helping to prepare forms,
- providing referrals for other services
- representing clients at tribunal hearings
- assisting clients with their appeals.