LAO offering additional coverage for judicial pre-trials to help reduce court backlog
Published: April 22, 2024
LAO is continuing to support backlog reduction efforts in the Ontario court of Justice by providing additional coverage for judicial pre-trials (JPT). Last November, the Ontario Court of Justice (OCJ) introduced a practice direction committing courts to setting trial dates within six months of the information sworn date.
Beginning April 27, roster lawyers will be able to bill for additional judicial pre-trials for criminal matters before the OCJ at any stage, regardless of how many are required.
Billing for additional judicial pre-trials
Currently, criminal roster lawyers can invoice LAO for three judicial pre-trials for OCJ proceedings: one inherent JPT, available to bill from the account page, before the case is set down for trial, and two that may be added after the matter is set down for trial.
To accommodate billing for additional JPTs, LAO has removed the requirement that cases first be set down for trial for the mandatory COVID JPT. The modification in Legal Aid Online will allow roster lawyers to bill for JPTs on block fee certificates and to request multiple authorizations if needed. Simply click on the “Submit coverage materials” link under the “Certificate” tab and select the “Request for mandatory JPT (COVID)” button to initiate a request.
If you have any questions, please contact the Lawyer Service Centre at 1-866-979-9934.