Annual report summary Ontario Ombudsman 2022-23
Published: December 14, 2023
The following summary contains information pertaining to LAO in the annual report from the Ontario Ombudsman. The original report was released on October 05, 2023.
The Ontario Ombudsman was established in 1975. They are an Office of the Legislature, independent of the government and political parties and assist Ontarians in resolving complaints and identifying systemic issues within provincial government services and administration.
The Ontario Ombudsman oversees more than 1,000 public sector bodies, comprising more than 500 Ontario government ministries, programs, agencies, boards, commissions, corporations and tribunals, as well as municipalities, school boards, school authorities, universities and Children’s Aid Societies as well as the former offices of the French Language Services Commissioner and the Provincial Advocate for Children and Youth.
The Complaints department, acting as the liaison between LAO and the Office of the Ombudsman, receives inquiries from the Ombudsman’s Early Resolution Officers on behalf of members of the public. Many of the inquiries received by the Ombudsman’s Office are questions that can be answered by frontline Ombudsman staff and do not require any assistance from LAO.
For the 2022-23 fiscal year, it should be noted that inquiries pertaining to LAO accounted for only 0.4% of all cases received by the Ombudsman (89 out of 24,551 cases).
Complaints against LAO and clinics constituted 4% of all complaints against agencies reporting to the Ministry of the Attorney General (MAG) even though LAO represents a significant amount of the agency funding allocated to MAG. There were 2,590 complaints pertaining to MAG and it’s agencies with 89 of those inquiries pertaining to LAO and 24 pertaining to Legal Aid clinics.
The Complaints Department received 21 inquiries from the Office of the Ombudsman during the 2022-23 fiscal year. We find it encouraging that many of the inquiries regarding LAO and legal clinics were resolved by the Ontario Ombudsman using their accumulated knowledge about LAO. Over the years, we have established a good working relationship with this office and they have developed a comprehensive database of LAO’s policies and procedures.
LAO was not among the top-10 provincial government organizations and programs complained about to the Ontario Ombudsman during 2022-23.
There were no case studies in the annual report pertaining to LAO.
We will continue to enhance our relationship with the Ontario Ombudsman and use inquiries to identify possible gaps in our policies and procedures.