Open government consultation closed
A discussion paper “Open Government at Legal Aid Ontario: Promoting transparency and accountability in Ontario’s justice system” was released publicly by LAO in April 2016. The purpose of this consultation paper was to promote Ontario’s open government framework in the justice system. By adopting the principles of open data, open information and open dialogue, LAO has an opportunity to integrate transparency into the fabric of the organization and to be the benchmark among Ontario’s justice institutions. Consultations were held from November to December 2016.
The consultation feedback received, which will be used to inform LAO’s next steps towards a more robust open government initiative, can be viewed via the links below:
- Alliance for Sustainable Legal Aid (ASLA) – May 5, 2016
- Family Lawyers Association (FLA) – December 12, 2016
- Refugee Lawyers Association of Ontario (RLA) – December 12, 2016
Key documents
LAO released this paper in April 2016 to help promote Ontario’s open government framework in the justice system. It sets the stage for a conversation about LAO’s existing open government commitments, and introduces the potential for greater open government initiatives at LAO and in the justice system.
Consultation Date
Starts: November 1, 2016 at 12:00am
Ends: February 1, 2017 at 12:00am
Contact Details
Open Government at Legal aid Ontario: Promoting Transparency and Accountability in Ontario’s Justice System
Table of contents Introduction Legal Aid Ontario at a glance What are LAO’s current commitments to open government? What is LAO interested in doing to expand on open government? What are the broader opportunities in the justice sector? Next Steps Summary of Consultation Questions Appendix A: Examples of Justice Sector Open Government and Open Data…