Meeting of the board of directors on October 18, 2018
Published: October 18, 2018
1. Attendance
1.1 Board members present
John McCamus (Chair), Remy Boulbol, Nancy Cooper, Christa Freiler, James McNee, Derry Millar, Michel Robillard, James Yakimovich, Ann Marie Yantz, David Field (CEO/Ex Officio).
1.2 Staff
Janet Budgell, Mary‑Ann Cocchetto, Stephanie Mealing.
1.3 Regrets
Carol Hartman, Tim Murphy.
2. Meeting agenda
The meeting agenda was adopted.
3. Conflict of interest
No conflict of interest was identified.
4. Chair’s report
The Chair welcomed special guest, John Liston. John Liston served on the Legal Aid Ontario (LAO) board of directors from March, 2009 to January, 2018. The Chair took the opportunity to express LAO’s, board members’, and his personal appreciation to John for his expertise and his invaluable contribution and service to the successful operation of LAO.
5. President’s report–Part I
LAO’s President and CEO presented the first instalment of the CEO’s Report. He reported as follows:
- LAO has received a draft report on the Value‑for‑Money audit performed on LAO by the Office of the Auditor General of Ontario. The report includes comments with respect to access to court documents, LAO’s accumulated deficit, and the clinic service‑delivery model. An analysis of the report’s recommendations will be presented to the board at its meeting tomorrow. A response to the draft audit report will be prepared, and sign off by LAO’s president and the Deputy Attorney General (DAG) is required. A final version of the audit report is expected in early December.
- LAO’s management recognizes that frontline staff, in their daily work, may be affected by their exposure to clients’ traumatic stories and some staff are experiencing what is known as “compassion fatigue”. A training and support program will be available to staff to assist in dealing with these types of issues.
- LAO lawyers who participated in the Alternative Fee Arrangement (AFA) pilot program have been notified that the program will be phased out. LAO is working closely with the AFA lawyers to ensure a smooth transition back to the regular certificate billing system.
- As reported in the media, the executive director of Nishnawbe‑Aski Legal Services Corporation (NALSC) has been suspended from their duties pending an independent investigation into allegations of wrongdoing. LAO has met and discussed the matter with the NALSC’s board of directors.
- The Ministry of the Attorney General will be concentrating on its business planning process over the next few months. In December, LAO should be informed of its transfer payment from the province.
- Proactive expense disclosure for the office of the president since the last board meeting: $1,532.
The meeting adjourned.